フェアリーテイル raw 第01-63巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-63]

フェアリーテイル raw Fairy Tail 第01-63巻

Title: フェアリーテイル raw 第01-63巻
FAIRY TAIL (フェアリーテイル)
Хвост Феи
فيري تيل
फेयरी टेल

(NEW)フェアリーテイル raw 第63巻(NEW)

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62 Responses to “フェアリーテイル raw 第01-63巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-63]”

  1. G says:

    47 is down -_-

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] フェアリーテイル 第01-47巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-47] all links fixed already.

  2. Plumber says:

    Uploaded links are down =(

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] フェアリーテイル 第01-47巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-47] all links fixed already.

  3. Witchhunter_UA says:

    All links is down. =/

  4. Witchhunter_UA says:

    Sorry. All up.

  5. a says:

    v48 is dead.

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] フェアリーテイル 第01-48巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-48] all links fixed already.

  6. a says:

    v48 links are all dead.

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] フェアリーテイル 第01-48巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-48] all links fixed already.

  7. nilo says:

    Links are all dead

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] フェアリーテイル 第01-49巻 [Fairy Tail Vol 01-49] all links fixed already.

  8. hogehoge says:

    All links is down.

  9. dd says:

    all links dead

  10. aaaaa says:

    all links dead

  11. NicoNicoNii says:


  12. Kazi says:

    Hello, All links are dead. Please fix them.

  13. Kazi says:

    All links are dead again.

  14. onejack says:

    Hello, the link v49, v50 are dead

  15. jigoku_no_hana says:

    All links for v51 are dead. Please reupload.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hello, the link v52 are dead

  17. Pony says:

    All links dead

  18. Nico says:

    Hello, all links are dead

  19. simonrule says:

    can you please reupload rapidgator links?

  20. Mickey says:

    Hello; plenty of the links are down. A reupload would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  21. Pony says:

    Hello, All links are dead. Please fix them.

  22. Mickey says:

    I have noticed that volume 24 is missing.

  23. goku says:

    Hi. All RG links down. Can you re-up please?

  24. rice says:

    all rinks is down.

  25. rice says:

    All links are dead again.

  26. rice says:

    Hello, all links are dead again.

  27. momonga says:

    links download die!, Faststore.

  28. margherine says:

    Hello, most of the links are dead again.

  29. momonga says:

    links download die!), Rapidgator:, Uploaded:, Datafile:.
    Faststore: Vol.45, V47-49, Vol.52-55

  30. J says:

    link down please

  31. MK says:

    Hi. RG links are down. Can you please re-up?

  32. Franklin says:

    Hello. Would you please fix link for Fairy Tail #24. Thnak you!

  33. ap says:


    All rapidgator/uploaded links & most datafile links are down.

  34. angel says:

    please re-upload all mangas 1 to 61

  35. Mike says:

    zip-raw-Fairy_Tail_v32-33.rar is down on all hosts.

  36. Angie says:

    All links are dead pls fix

  37. Gon says:

    links are dead for rapidgator and uploadboy.

  38. Mike says:

    Hi. Please re-upload Volume 62.

  39. Google says:

    Hello. Please re-upload. Thank you.

  40. Hand says:

    Please reupload the volumes 62 & 63

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