評伝シャア・アズナブル -≪赤い彗星≫の軌跡- 上下巻 [Hyoden Shi a Azunaburu No Kiseki Joukan Gekan]
Title :評伝シャア・アズナブル -≪赤い彗星≫の軌跡- 上下巻
(一般書籍)(皆川ゆか) 評伝シャア・アズナブル -≪赤い彗星≫の軌跡-
(No Password and added recovery record)
Title :評伝シャア・アズナブル -≪赤い彗星≫の軌跡- 上下巻
(一般書籍)(皆川ゆか) 評伝シャア・アズナブル -≪赤い彗星≫の軌跡-
(No Password and added recovery record)
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All entries, chronologically...
volume 1/12/13/14/19 are not semi-color.
please fix links
hellow ! All links are dead.
Can you upload the real comic for vol.1? The content of vol.1 which uploaded was novel not comic. Thanks.
Hello. Can i request vol. 2~vol. 5? It is completed as volume 5.