11 Responses to “[Novel] はたらく魔王さま! 第01-21巻 [Hataraku Maou-sama! Vol 01-21]”

  1. taka says:

    some pages are missing in this .

  2. nio says:

    page 67,68,133,134,253,254 have missing….

  3. Kim says:



    zip-raw-Hataraku_MaouSama_v14.rar is dead.

  4. rom says:



    zip-raw-Hataraku_MaouSama_v00〜15.rar is dead.

  5. cookies says:

    Where vol 16? it’s been out for a while and I can’t find it anywhere.

  6. Namakemono says:

    Can you re-upload please? The links are dead.

  7. S says:

    please, check the link of Katfile

  8. no file says:

    file lose…
    please check

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