とらぶる 第01-18巻 [To Love-Ru Vol 01-18]

とらぶる To Love-Ru 第01-18巻

Title: とらぶる 第01-18巻
Associated Names
(一般コミック)(矢吹健太朗) とらぶる
To Love You
To Love You – Trouble
To LOVEる -とらぶる-
To-LOVE-Ru – Trouble –
(NEW)とらぶる 第18巻(NEW)


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32 Responses to “[Manga] とらぶる 第01-18巻 [To Love-Ru Vol 01-18]”

  1. yay man says:

    the file for volume 11 is corrupt/broken. plz fix

  2. novatox says:

    the vol 10 is color edition (?) is there black and white version?
    and vol 11 is low quality -.-
    but thanks for sharing

  3. abc says:

    most of uplodable’s links are not available
    could you replace them?

  4. rigam says:

    the vol 4 isn’t volumen edition , is a chapter

    edition and a cover
    vol1 is low quality
    vol 6 doesn’t have especial bangai hen
    vol 10 is low quality and the color edition of

    vol10 is bad cut up and down part
    vol 10 is short size
    can fix it please?

  5. Elessar says:

    Links are not working. Can you please fix it?

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] To LOVEる ダークネス 第01-12巻 [To Love-Ru Darkness Vol 01-12] all links fixed already.

  6. arbain says:

    do you have vol13?
    and the vol 10 is a color edition volume (?)
    thanks brot

  7. apricot says:

    are the episodes uncensored???

    • arbain says:

      yes , almost volumenes, but the vol 04 is not uncensored version , is a monthly chapters joining (censored) in a .rar archive

  8. excel2628 says:


  9. excel2628 says:


  10. arbalest says:

    is there color editon vol13?
    thanks for sharing

  11. rigam says:

    do you have vol 10 13 14 form scaning (paper)?

  12. dfd4731 says:

    Sorry,but all links are dead.Re-upload,please.

  13. nixon says:

    vol3 links are dead , can you reupload this please?
    thanks for sharin

  14. fixo2600 says:

    vol15 link are dead , please fix

  15. minezum says:

    All links are dead please fix it and thank you

  16. tom says:

    the links on uploaded were broken.
    pls fix them


  17. taishi_tetora says:

    could you please re upload the vol 16 again?

  18. tom says:

    all links on uploaded were broken.
    pls fix them

  19. Rakuen OH says:

    Darkness vol. 18 (Full Color) is released Today,
    Please Update The Link, Thank You.

  20. EmE says:

    Links are dead

  21. 4567q says:

    Links are dead
    Please re:upload

  22. m says:

    repload tomo 14,
    =tomo 12 color or 12 black revision

  23. Jaehaerys Stark says:

    Could you please reupload the Bangaihen and the Data Book? The links say the files were either removed or unavailable.

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