絶対可憐チルドレン 第01-56巻 [Zettai Karen Children Vol 01-56]

Zettai Karen Children(絶対可憐チルドレン)
Title :絶対可憐チルドレン 第01-56巻
Associated Names
(一般コミック)(椎名高志) 絶対可憐チルドレン
Absolutely Lovely Children
(NEW)Zettai Karen Children (絶対可憐チルドレン) Vol 56(NEW)


(No Password and added recovery record)

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19 Responses to “[Manga] 絶対可憐チルドレン 第01-56巻 [Zettai Karen Children Vol 01-56]”

  1. a says:

    Thanks for uploading!

  2. b says:

    v38 and thereafter plz.

  3. c says:

    Thanks a lot for uploading v38.

  4. d says:

    Woot! v39 at last!!

  5. Haolen says:

    Hello friends of Raw Zip
    I downloaded vol 39 and looks like it´s uncompleted, i´ts left about 70 pages could you fix it?

  6. . says:


  7. Haolen says:

    Thanks for vol. 40!! but still hope you can fix vol 39 which left some pages 🙂

  8. LK says:

    Vol. 31-40 can’t download

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] 絶対可憐チルドレン 第01-40巻 [Zettai Karen Children Vol 01-40] all links fixed already.

  9. myu says:


  10. armonia says:

    can’t download all.

  11. Anonymous says:

    45b- plz

  12. Samoro says:

    All the links are broken. I can’t download it.

  13. . says:

    reup plz

  14. anna says:

    can you reup vol 49 in better quality?

  15. anna says:

    Can you reup vol 49 with better quality?

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