東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-14]

Tokyo Ghoul(東京喰種トーキョーグール)
Title :東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻
Associated Names
(一般コミック) (石田スイ) 東京喰種
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Kushu
(NEW)(一般コミック) [石田スイ] 東京喰種トーキョーグール[JACK](NEW)


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40 Responses to “[Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-14]”

  1. J says:

    Hey, the links for 11 & 12 at least are all down Thanks for all your efffort 🙂

  2. Raw-Zip says:

    Hello, Thank for your report. [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-12巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-12] all links fixed already.

  3. C says:

    hello, all links for vol 12 are down again.

  4. Raw-Zip says:

    [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-12巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-12] all links fixed already.

  5. nio says:

    all links of bitshare are down -_-

  6. Raw-Zip says:

    [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-12巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-12] all links fixed already again.

  7. Kass says:

    Hello, there’s a lot of mistakes in vol 10, lacks many pages and is disorganized…

  8. philia says:

    hey, the links are down again…thanks!

  9. Ken says:

    pardon me but all links for vol. 08 are down, sorry to trouble you… and thank you!

  10. koko says:


  11. ric says:

    hi. links are down..

  12. SAK says:

    sorry,there file are down now.

    • Raw Zip says:

      Thank for your report. [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-14] all links fixed already.

  13. Wolf says:

    Hi there! For Volume 10, not every pages of the manga were included! Some parts of the manga were repeated for 2 times or more…

  14. S says:

    The links for 7 are all down. Thank you for you effort

  15. Mono says:

    links are down 🙁

    • Raw Zip says:

      Thank for your report. [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-14] all links fixed already.

  16. sir_crocodile says:

    All links are down. I would appreciate a reupload. Thank you guys for your effort 🙂

  17. momo says:


  18. yuki says:

    Sorry. Where is (一般コミック) [石田スイ] 東京喰種トーキョーグール[JACK] link?

  19. Ryoji says:

    Hi. All Uploadable’s link are down! Please reupload!

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] 東京喰種トーキョーグール 第01-14巻 [Tokyo Ghoul Vol 01-14] all links fixed already.

  20. a says:


  21. turm says:

    Hey, the links for 14 at least are all down Thanks for all your efffort

  22. Allen says:

    Los links de los 14 tomos estan caidos, porfavor resubir, gracias 🙂

  23. pablo man says:

    all the links from 6 are down :*(

  24. rice says:

    Hello, all links are dead.

  25. よっさん says:


  26. Sergio says:

    All links are dead

  27. Tonyv444 says:

    A lot of links are dead, please, reupload them.

  28. かねきけん says:


  29. copen says:


  30. Bruna says:

    Noooo, links are dead :((((

  31. sam says:

    sorry,there file are down now

  32. VanBuffalo says:

    Links are dead 🙁

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