憂鬱な朝 第01-07巻 [Yuuutsu na Asa Vol 01-07]

憂鬱な朝 Yuuutsu na Asa 第01-07巻

Title: 憂鬱な朝 第01-07巻
Associated Names
A Depressing Morning
Blue Morning
Ein melancholischer Morgen
Melancholic Morning
(NEW)憂鬱な朝 第07巻(NEW)


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2 Responses to “[Manga] 憂鬱な朝 第01-07巻 [Yuuutsu na Asa Vol 01-07]”

  1. Swallowtail says:

    Please reupload vol 6 and 7. Thank you!

  2. angeles says:

    could you kindly reupload the links, all links 404/file not found.
    I used to have all volumes, then in a water leakage in my apartment I lost a lot of books, vol 1-6 of this manga, too (still have 7-8)
    I am so saddened but do not have the money to buy all of them again.. all my collections…. (T__T)
    eternally gratefull for your kindness!

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