ダイヤのA 第01-47巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-47]

Ace of the Diamond(ダイヤのA)
Title :ダイヤのA 第01-47巻
Associated Names
(一般コミック)(寺嶋裕二) ダイヤのA
Ace of Diamond
Ace of the Diamond
Daiya no Ace
Diamond no Ace
(NEW)Ace of the Diamond (ダイヤのA) Vol 47(NEW)


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32 Responses to “[Manga] ダイヤのA 第01-47巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-47]”

  1. aaa says:


  2. jay kay says:

    links are dead….:(

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] ダイヤのエース 第01-43巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-43] all links fixed already.

  3. anna says:

    hi, links are dead. please help. thanks!

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] ダイヤのA 第01-44巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-44] all links fixed already.

  4. mao says:

    links are dead, please help. thanks!

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] ダイヤのA 第01-45巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-45] all links fixed already.

  5. ito says:

    Is there a cleaned up version of volume 33? It’s only in that volume that the pages are dark.

  6. a says:

    v46 is dead.

    • Raw Zip says:

      [Manga] ダイヤのA 第01-46巻 [Ace of the Diamond Vol 01-46] all links fixed already.

  7. pingu says:

    Hello, is there Vol.26~28 ? Thank you.

  8. Juan Kato says:

    26, 27, 28?

  9. A says:

    You should just upload everything to Mega.co.nz
    That way the links won’t ever expire.

  10. CHIE says:

    Thanks for sharing <3

  11. Zee says:

    Is it okay to use your scans for scanlations?

  12. Ren says:

    Uploadable links are dead. S’il vous plaît.

  13. Jul says:

    Links are dead! Please, fix them!

  14. Jul says:

    Links are dead! Please, fix it!

  15. ONE peace says:

    links are all dead. please help!

  16. Jun says:

    links are all dead

  17. asd says:


  18. Yarvish says:

    hi, links are dead. please help. thanks!

  19. coa says:

    Vol 46 is dead!

  20. k says:

    please reupload

  21. Be says:

    Helli. also this links fix please.

  22. Be says:

    Thank you every time!

  23. CHIE says:

    Is “diamond no ace act II” post deleted? I can’t find it

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